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With short windows of time to perform tillage operations, TruSet provides significant productivity improvements as operators can adjust the tool with just the push of a button, maximizing acres covered per day. By responding to conditions as they change throughout the field, TruSet Active enables operators to generate a higher-quality tillage performance within the first pass.
Using a GreenStar™ display, an operator sees real-time data for a variety of feature settings, ensuring confidence in desired tillage outcomes. Four customizable presets enable operators to save and name different combinations of settings for their most common field conditions, which allows for even quicker implement adjustments.
Single-point depth control is included with the TruSet Tillage system, giving operators the choice of automated or manual adjustments. Hydraulic routings on the tool are designed to allow each implement to feature both TruSet and standard single-point depth control for system redundancy, operator preference, and flexibility at resale.
John Deere has expanded TruSet features to bring even more functionality into the cab:
TruSet Tillage features a variety of technology features and packages. With either the Select or Premium package, you can elevate your experience with some or full control of your tillage tool from the cab at your fingertips. The following table outlines each TruSet offering specific to the implement model. For additional information on each feature, see the details after the table.
*Currently not available in feature packaging
**New feature
NOTE: All Select package features are also included in the Premium package.
Active depth (Select and Premium package)
Basket pressure and raise (Select and Premium package)
Side-to-side leveling (Premium package)
Gang angle (Premium package)
Fore-aft (Premium package)
Wing down pressure (Premium package)
NOTE: TruSet hydraulic wing control pressure is only offered on three-section models.
Stabilizer wheels (additional factory option)
NOTE: Stabilizer wheels are not offered on one-section models.
With integrated TruSet Tillage technology, operators can incorporate documentation and prescription functionality into their tillage operations. The tillage documentation feature allows producers to capture and analyze the tillage pass for additional coverage of the crop production cycle. Prescription functionality provides producers the capability to ensure their tillage operations are executed correctly, optimizing their investment in preparing for the next crop.
Operators can document data for the depth of their tillage tool along with rolling basket down pressure. By creating an as-applied map based off global positioning system (GPS) data for the job performed by each functional area on the implement, TruSet enables producers to document their tillage passes then later review and analyze the data for future agronomic decisions.
Additionally, the TELUS Agronomy Prescription Creator company, a connected partner tool through the John Deere Operations Center, enables producers to create prescriptions for each functional area on the tillage tools. Data from previous yields, soil surveys, or freehand drawing tools can be used to create prescriptions that command the implement to the desired depth and pressure settings for optimum agronomic results.
TELUS Agronomy Prescription Creator is a trademark of TELUS Agriculture and Consumer Goods
Radial tires reduce compaction points while operating in the field and minimize downtime caused by tire failures both in the field and during transportation. Radial mainframe tires now come in base equipment and can be an option on the wings. With a wider tire plate and lower inflation pressure, radial tires have a larger contact area with the ground to help minimize compaction.
The 2430 offers different rear attachment options to meet the unique agronomic needs of each producer. Producers have a choice of two rear attachments on the 2430 Chisel Plow.
The knife-edge rolling basket for the 2430 Chisel Plow is made of hardened steel and handles rock strikes and adverse conditions well. The ease of down pressure adjustability allows the tool to adapt to changing field conditions. The internal basket scraper allows for a uniform field finish in wet conditions because baskets do not need to be raised out of the ground to avoid plugging; they can remain in the ground 100 percent of the time.
The John Deere 2430 Chisel Plow offers an active hydraulic rolling basket that gives the operator wide-ranging adjustability for a variety of conditions. The drawbars and rolling basket on the rear harrow are built with strength in mind for the demanding fall conditions. The system was designed to have the ability to run the rolling baskets in three different positions to finish and level the soil:
The hydraulic rolling basket is offered with the knife-edge basket, which is the best for heavier, wet soil.
The 240 Coil-Tine Chisel Plow Harrow is designed specifically for the 2430 Chisel Plows. Harrow performance has grown increasingly important over the last few years as soil profile finish and residue-handling capability are on the top of the list for producers. Both attributes are standouts on this heavy harrow.
The 2430 Chisel Plow is available in rigid and rigid fold, three-section folding, and five-section folding frame models.
Type of fold
Non-fold or horizontal fold
TruPosition™ orTru-Depth
Three-sectionover-center fold
TruPosition orTru-Depth
Five-sectionover-center fold
Rigid configurations
NOTE: Tru-Depth standards are available through 10 m (33 ft) only.
The 2430 Chisel Plow has excellent residue-handling capability in primary tillage at all residue levels.
Typical percentages of residue cover remaining from the 2430 are listed in the following table. The percentages do not consider variables such as the condition of the residue, speed, and soil type.
For machines with 305-mm (12-in.) spacing:
Starting residue cover (percent)
Remaining non-fragile* residue cover (percent)
Remaining fragile** residue cover (percent)
406-mm (16-in.) sweeps
51-mm x 356-mm (2-in. x 14-in.) chisel point
102-mm x 368-mm (4-in. x 14.5-in.) shovel
*Non-fragile residue includes crops like corn, sorghum, wheat than 1585.8 L [45 bu]).
**Fragile residue includes crops like soybeans, edible beans, peas, wheat (under 1585.8 L [45 bu]), sunflower, peanuts, and cotton.
For machines with 406-mm (16-in.) spacing:
457-mm (18-in.) sweeps
76-mm x 610-mm (3-in. x 24-in.) shovel
*Non-fragile residue includes crops like corn, sorghum, and wheat (more than 45 bu).
**Fragile residue includes crops like soybeans, edible beans, peas, wheat (under 45 bu), sunflower, peanuts, and cotton.
Operators are requiring faster field working speeds, larger implements, and tractors because of a dramatic increase in farm size. The market is asking for and receiving tractors with more torque, more weight, and more horsepower.
Accommodating 600 engine horsepower tractors requires more from implement frame and hitch components, including thicker frame tubes, additional diagonal bracing, and frame gussets.
The frame is constructed of continuous 102-mm x 102-mm (4-in. x 4-in.) cross members inserted through 51-mm x 152-mm (2-in. x 6-in.), 76-mm x 152-mm (3-in. x 6-in.), and 102-mm x 152-mm (4-in. x 6-in.) fore-aft members. The mainframe boasts a structure made up of 102-mm x 152-mm (4-in. x 6-in.) fore-aft tubes.
The large frame member sizes, joint welds, and wheel module placement adds to the structural integrity, providing a stable front-to-rear and side-to-side operation.
Walk-Over wheels provide a consistent working depth in uneven ground for level seedbeds and complete weed control.
The staggered wheel design provides extra room for residue flow, obstacles, and transport stability.
A wide variety of tools such as sweeps, chisels, and twisted shovels are available for the operator to maintain surface residue and ground profile under varying weather and soil conditions.
Click here to explore more about points, chisels, and sweeps.